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Diabetes 8 kinds of symptoms, prevention and control diet tips (3)


How to prevent diabetes?


    1. "Less oil, less salt, less sugar, high fiber" is the main

    2. Avoid overeating, reduce intake of high cholesterol food (such as animal viscera), processed food, sugar food, etc

    3. Refuse frying, frying and other cooking methods with high oil content, and replace animal oil with vegetable oil

    4. Drink less sugary drinks, plain water is the best choice

    5. Quit smoking and drinking


Blood glucose, blood pressure and blood lipid were detected regularly

    1. Blood glucose: glycated hemoglobin concentration should be controlled below 7%

    2. Blood pressure part: in resting condition, if the blood pressure is continuously higher than 140 (systolic pressure) / 90 (diastolic pressure) mmHg, it is called hypertension

    3. Blood lipid: low density cholesterol (LDL-C) should be controlled below 130 mg / dl

Regular movement

Refer to the "333 principle", that is, exercise more than 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes each time, and reach a pulse rate of 130 beats per minute. You can choose walking, walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., and the best time to exercise is about half an hour after dinner, or eat some snacks before exercise. Do not exercise on an empty stomach, so as to avoid hypoglycemia instead of hypoglycemia.

Maintain ideal weight

Pay attention to the body fat rate. The normal value is 14% to 20% for men aged 18 to 30 years, 17% to 25% for men over 30 years old, 17% to 25% for women aged 18 to 30 years and 20% to 30% for women over 30 years old.

As for waist circumference, the normal value should be less than 90 cm for men and less than 80 cm for women.

Adjusting pressure

Stress can lead to abnormal hormone secretion, which leads to the decomposition of liver sugar into blood sugar, which increases the risk of diabetes. Therefore, to relieve stress in a healthy way in a timely manner, exercise is a good option, and overeating will only lead to a higher risk of diabetes.

Join hands to fight eternal diseases

Perhaps you don't know that diabetes may be as old as the pyramids. In 1550 BC, in ancient Egypt, people recorded that some patients had "polyuria"; in ancient Greece in the second century, the philosopher Aristotle used Latin diabetes From the fifth to the sixth century, doctors in China, Arabia and Japan discovered another symptom of diabetes, sweet urine.

Although the records of diabetes span thousands of years, its etiology and treatment are the products of modern times. Human beings discovered that diabetes was related to insulin around 1900, and the first diabetic patient successfully rescued by "insulin injection" appeared in 1922. In the past, diabetes has always been an incurable disease.

In modern times, there are more and more ways to combat diabetes, but the first step to prevent diabetes is to adjust living habits.


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