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Spring Festival is especially easy to get flu! Doctor: go to bed first


Holiday is the most people look forward to, but every holiday, always feel the pressure accumulated by the body burst out, immediately cold sick. In fact, it is because the body is too tired, if you can let the body rest, and then go out to play, there will be less such a problem.

Why do you have weekend sickness

Lin Lihan, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in changshengtang Chinese medicine clinic, said that there are two reasons why people are prone to get sick during holidays. The first one is really related to laxity. The second is that you are not restrained during holidays. "You start to stay up late, eat and drink, and ice cream with chicken chops, of course, which will make you uncomfortable. "

When you relax during the holiday, you will feel the pain and fatigue of the original stress. Lin Lihan said that when the pressure is high, the body will secrete adrenaline to "resist" so that you don't get sick. At this time, immunity will rise temporarily and resist infection. But at the same time, it will also secrete cortisol, which can rapidly generate energy and reduce immunity.

Too high cortisol will lead to the disorder of endocrine regulation in the body and reduce immunity. The longer the secretion lasts, the more immunity will fall. However, when sleeping, cortisol will fall faster. Therefore, at the beginning of the holiday, sleeping first can help stabilize the pressure.

During the holiday, not only will be sick, but also may be psychologically uncomfortable!

In the past, the concept of "weekend sickness" of getting sick and catching a cold once on holiday was thought to be a psychological effect. This concept was proposed by ad vingerhoets, a psychology professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. In a study in 2002, he investigated 1900 people by means of an autonomous questionnaire whether they were prone to get sick on weekends and holidays. About 60 of them had such a situation.

In fact, this is also related to cortisol. At the same time, stress can make the mental state unstable, and even show negative emotions, such as anxiety, self blame, inferiority complex, irritability, depression, etc.; adrenaline, which is still at work at the beginning and is ready to travel, will make people feel excited, but after the cross period with cortisol, it will feel particularly depressed.

Therefore, during the holiday, it is better to completely empty and relax in the first few days. Even if it is only 3-4 days of continuous vacation, you can not give yourself too much pressure and too much travel on the first day, let your body slowly adjust the endocrine disorder back, and then enjoy the time of going out for fun and being completely free, which will lead to a more efficient vacation.


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